photo: safira moreira
With curatorship of Luiz Guilherme Vergara, the exhibition was part of the “Guanabara Bay Program: Waters and Hidden Lives”. In the installation, the artist related with the architecture of Niemeyer and the work “Ten Thousand Waves” by the Isaac Julien. The inspiration for this work, a video installation composed of nine screens, was the tragedy of Morecambe Bay, England, where more than 20 shellfish-gatherers illegally came from China. In the work, Julien rescues the memory of the Chinese goddess Mazu, protector of fishermen and seas. “Ten Thousand Waves” explores issues of transculturality and global migration and is one of the most iconic works of Julien, and has been exhibited in places such as the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA - NY), SESC Pompéia and Fondation Louis Vuitton (Paris).