Inaê Moreira is a black woman, artist and mother of Ayomi. Graduated in Dance by Funceb and Graduated in Dance by the Federal University of Bahia - UFBA. She is also a circus professional by the Escuela de Artes Urbanas de Rosario / Argentina. Currently, she has been finding ways to empty her work from the Yorubás and Bantu knowledges, creating performances and activating collective research spaces, through what she has called Intuitive Dance, where she seeks to establish a relationship between movement, spirituality and ancestry. She lives in Bahia, where she works as a director and performer. In her career she collaborated with artists in São Paulo, Goiânia, Rio de Janeiro, Mexico City and Chicago. Her latest and most current works are as director of the show "Memori-se" (GO / BRA), tutor in the Creation Laboratory of the project "Lança de Cabocla" of Porto Iracema das Artes (CE / BRA), creator of the film- performance "Tempo" that was shown at the Festival Segue o Baba and at the Petrópolis Film Festival (2020), as an artist in "Envultations - Rehearsals to Disappear" (Lei Aldir Blanc - BA / BRA), assuming the tutorship of the film-show of Dance "About Us Nobody Will Never Know Everything" (Aldir Blanc - BA / BRA), and as director of the dance show "A Hora Aberta" (Aldir Blanc - BA / BRA).
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photo: Richner Allan